‘Shaping the Garden Path’ (2022) 16mm transferred to digital, projection - watch here
‘A Carving from Footprings’ (2022) scanned photographs, sound, projection
Exhibited at Sawtooth Ari, Launceston, Tasmania
Curated by Skye Malu Baker
with Skye Malu Baker, Ellen Sayers and Seth Searle.
Distracted by the breathing of the trees and the growing of shoots, you may forget your initial intentions, take three turns instead of four, and find you have stumbled on the Underleaf Garth. This hidden plot, a once well-tended circle of herbs, climbers, and enclosing thickets, is now long un-groomed and rampant. A cascade of tendrils drawn aside reveals half-forgotten paths once demarked by mossy stones, now split, undefined and multiplying infinitely. The pull of these ruinous circuits leads to the pungent smell of crushed leaves and the quiet whisperings of earthworms.
Underleaf Garth is a hushed encounter with humus and stems, leaves and spores.
Charmont’s practice documents the intricate nature of memory, time, history and geography through images. By utilising film, photography, research, and walking, Charmont explores the coincidences and connections that emerge from being alive.
I acknowledge the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nations as the Traditional Custodians of the unceded land that I live and work on. I pay my respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.